Sunday, October 4, 2009

So WHO is this Irim Guy Anyways?

I am not going try to invent some cool persona, so I will just come out and say it...I AM A NUB!!!

I started playing WoW maybe 4 months ago and spend most of my time ATM on my 80 Orc Lock...he's my money maker.

What is this blog about?

To cut to the chase, this blog is about making GOLD on WoW.

Am I qualified to tell people about making gold on betcha!

I make about 5K gold every week.

Am I going to tell you that there is an easy way to make gold on WoW?


I want to make it clear that everything I post on this blog is factual, and that I will never resort to cheap marketing language when it comes to making WoW gold.

Because the truth is that THERE IS NO EASY WAY TO MAKE GOLD ON WOW. have to work for it.

Do you have to work a lot?


Can you even have fun whilst you are making WoW gold?


If you like the idea of having to use your brain to make your gold, then this site is for you.

What's in it for 'Ol Irim?
  1. I get a place to record my adventures in WoW gold making and general gaming fun.
  2. I make a few shekels each month from advertising.
  3. My smart visitors make it easy on themselves and buy my comprehensive PDF book on how to make WoW gold which is beautifully setup with linked menus to make finding the info you need even faster.
I also run a pretty ok online documentary site called Online Documentaries 4 U...that is my other hobby.

So, that's who I am and what this blog is about.

I will update this blog at least a couple of times a week, so be sure to subscribe so you'll know when I have added another post.